Frustration... the Easiest weapon to kill us... Self Murder a.k.a Suicide...!

Solid State Physics considers frustration as "Spin glasses, a phenomenon in which individual magnetic moments receive competing ordering instructions via different routes, because of the variation of the interaction between pairs of atomic moments with separation." Sorry for Frustrating with complicated terms.

Frustration leads a person to take wrong decisions and as a result of which he is not able to come with innovative ideas.

It is a feeling of disappointment and discomfort aroused in the mind of human beings only when something has went wrong with them or they are not able to achieve the goals that they had set for themselves.

Ultimate frustration...!

Frustration makes life a miserable one, it make an easy way for the enemy to dominate us. Frustration leads to serious health problem.
It affects both physical and mental well being of a Human.

Frustration is an emotion that occurs in situations where one is blocked from reaching a personal goal. The more important the goal, the greater the frustration. It is comparable to anger.

You want something but you are blocked. That too when the thing belongs to you, your aggression shoots up... which leads to aggression...!

Frustrated by an yelling boss..!
I was flabbergasted! I have done everything she has asked, plus more!!!
What else she want from me...!!!
I was flabbergasted! I have done everything she has asked, plus more!!!
What else she want from me...!!!

In every ten people seven are affected by it and out of them three are severely affected. It is a mental feeling that is growing like other dangerous diseases such as AIDS.

Frustration may lead you to go out of control. You may loose yourself. Try to control this evil emotion else you want someone to control it and direct you in the right path by closing your mouth...!!!

You may get frustrated due to perpetual, serious, continuous, unstoppable, instantaneous, spontaneous, really bugging, stupid action of your surrondings.

The theory that frustration may lead to aggression, but that aggression is always the result of some form of frustration.

Dont you ever fall... Never show your Frustration through aggressive action.
Stay calm... Being so... you can frustrate the one who frustrates you!!!!!
Stay calm... Being so... you can frustrate the one who frustrates you!!!!!

Try to stay as cool as possible...!

Never express your feelings when you are under Frustration...!

Firstly the feeling of frustration is aroused in human beings when they are not able to achieve the targets that they had set for themselves. Secondly the feeling of frustration is aroused when they compare themselves with others and find that they are lacking behind while others had made a rapid progress but they had remained where they were earlier.
Try to have a smiling face, stay cool, go on with your cool business never mind the
frustrating thing...!
Try to have a smiling face, stay cool, go on with your cool business never mind the
frustrating thing...!
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